
Colloque IABSE: Young Engineers Colloquium 2020 - YEC2020 Du 13-03-2020 au 14-03-2020


Lieu : Factory Forty, Brussels, Belgium

Pour la première fois les groupes Belge, Hollandais et Français de l'AIPC (IABSE), avec le support de l'AFGC, organisent en commun un colloque destiné aux jeunes ingénieurs et doctorants : le "Young Engineers Colloquium 2020 - YEC2020"
Vous trouverez ci-après l'appel à communication visant les ingénieurs et doctorants de moins de 35 ans.

The Belgian, French and Dutch National Groups of IABSE have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the jointly organized Young Engineers Colloquium 2020 (YEC2020) on 13 and 14 March 2020 at Factory Forty in Brussels in Belgium. YEC2020 is especially meant for young engineers to exchange knowledge internationally, with the focus on Belgium, the Netherlands and France.
The colloquium is open to all professionals interested in structural engineering regardless their age, but apart from the keynote speaker, all presenters are young engineers under 35 years of age. This colloquium offers young engineers the opportunity to present their interesting research, engineering or construction projects to an audience of fellow engineers from the structural
engineering sector. It provides attendees with an overview of current research topics as well as challenging engineering and construction projects and is an excellent platform to share experiences among experienced and young engineers.
We are looking forward to receiving interesting project descriptions from young engineers under 35 years of age (born 1984 or later). Please submit a two-page paper in English by 14 February 2020 to A two-page paper can present student projects, PhD research as well as engineering and construction projects. In the spirit of IABSE, contributions on buildings,
bridges and any other civil engineering structure and in any material are welcome. In due time, you are asked to prepare either a 10 minutes presentation or a poster on A1 format. All presentations are in English.

Schedule YEC2020
Opening Ceremony at 10am on 13 March 2020
Welcome from the Belgian National Group of IABSE – Alain Dumortier
Welcome from the French National Group of IABSE – Bruno Godart
Welcome from the Dutch National Group of IABSE – Bert Hesselink
Keynote Presentation – Laurent Ney, Ney & Partners (winner 13th Gold Gustave Magnel medal)
Selected Presentations – Part 1
Poster Pitch Presentations
Selected Presentations – Part 2
Short Presentation on IABSE
Closing Ceremony at 5pm
Colloquium Dinner at 6pm, (location to confirm), Brussels
Technical Excursion: Silver Tower, 9:30am – 3:30pm on 14 March 2020

Please register for YEC2020 by registration via the link

Thème :
Laboratoire :
Public visé : Jeunes Ingénieurs et Doctorants


  • Bâtiment
  • Construction
  • Matériaux
  • Ouvrages, patrimoine
  • Structures