
Mini-symposium "MS281: MASONRY CONSTRUCTIONS " Du 19-07-2020 au 24-07-2020


Lieu : Paris, France,

Dear Colleague,

the WCCM XIV & ECCOMAS 2020 Congress ( will be held in Paris, France, July 19-24, 2020.

The contributions to this conference are mainly organised through mini-symposia, whereas each mini-symposium consists of one or more sessions of about 6 oral presentations each.  We are organising the Mini-symposium "MS281: MASONRY CONSTRUCTIONS " and we would like to cordially invite you to submit an abstract to this symposium.

This minisymposium aims to provide an outstanding opportunity for academic and scientists'communities and all experts alike to address technical advances and challenges in masonry analysis. Masonry structures, mainly existing constructions, constitute an important part of the international heritage such as buildings, bridges, tunnels, etc. Their degradation and aging raise many issues about preservation prediction methods and techniques. In order to provide reliable solutions, it is important to understand their mechanical, thermal and hydric behavior and couplings. However, the masonry complexity from the point of view of material and structure requires various analysis approaches, in particular experimental, numerical or theoretical methods.The proposed topics cover a wide range of scales from material to structure, while integrating architectural and construction aspects: Arches, Vaults, Domes, Walls, Bridges, Earth constructions... The used materials can be issued from natural origin (stones, earth,..), industrial material (cooked clay bricks..) and isalso an innovative material used for the repairing and rehabilitation of these constructions.

Based on your research activities and acknowledged reputation in this field, we feel the immense pleasure in inviting you to attend  this this Mini-symposium. We would be very glad if you could accept this invitation.

Please feel free to share this announcement with other researchers who may interested to participate in  this mini symposium

Instructions for the submission of abstracts can be found on the conference website:

Looking forward to seeing you in Paris.

Best Regards,?

Frédéric Lebon1, Paulo B. Lourenço2, Elio Sacco3, Gabriele Milani4, Daniela Addessi5

Frédéric Dubois6, Maurizio Brocato7, Eric Vincens8, Fazia Fouchal9

 1LMA, Laboratoire de Mécanique et d'Acoustique, Marseille, France 

2ISISE, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Minho, Portugal

University of Naples “Federico II”, Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture,  Naples, Italy, 

4Technical University of Milan - Politecnico di Milano,  Italy, 

5University of Rome Sapienza, Department of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Rome, Italy, 

6LMGC, Laboratoire de Mécanique et Génie Civil , Montpellier France 

7École nationale supérieure d'architecture Paris-Malaquais, PARIS, France   

8LTDS, Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes, Ecole Centrale de Lyon,  France 

 9GC2D, Laboratoire de Génie Civil, Diagnostic et Durabilité,  Université de Limoges, France

Thème : Maçonnerie
Laboratoire :
Public visé :


  • Structures