
16th Insternational Conference on Alkali-Aggragate Reaction in Concrete Du 01-06-2021 au 03-06-2021



The Organizing Committee is closely following the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic. Currently, the conference is planned to be held in next October; however, due to the rapid evolving of this outbreak, we will reevaluate the scheduling in May.
Any changes will be reported promptly.
Together we will overcome this difficult and challenging moment and make the world a better place.
If you have any queries regarding ICAAR 2020, please do not hesitate to contact our conference office,
Please take care and stay healthy!


We are glad to announce the 16th International Conference on Alkali Aggregate Reaction in Concrete, which will take place in Lisboa, Portugal, from 13 to 15 October 2020.
The 16th ICAAR will be hosted by Portuguese National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC). We are very honoured to organize this conference and look forward to offer you a high level scientific and technical event related with the concrete AAR phenomena and its structural consequences, as well as an unforgettable experience in Lisboa, the amazing capital of Portugal.

We are preparing a complete programme which will include a first day meetings (12 October), 3 day conference with plenary lectures and scientific/technical sessions (13-15 October) and an interesting technical visit (16-18 October) to AAR and AAR/DEF damaged and/or rehabilitated structures (dams and bridges) in the central region of Portugal.

We invite all the researchers and engineers to participate in this event and share your valuable experience and achievements.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Lisboa!


LNEC - Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (National Laboratory for Civil Engineering) is a public institute of Science and Technology (S&T), with the status of State Laboratory that carries out research in all fields of civil engineering, giving it a unique multidisciplinary perspective.

In its field of expertise, LNEC is a national asset which guides its activity towards public service values, embedded in a culture that appeals to high standards of ethics, impartiality and trustworthiness. Continuous investment in innovation, in the improvement and dissemination of Knowledge has enabled an adequate response to the constant evolution of Science and Technology.

Created in 1946 with an international vocation, its reputation soon crossed borders and LNEC has worked in all continents, continuing, for more than six decades now, to honour the name of Portugal.

Lien du site :
Thème : Alcali-réaction
Laboratoire :
Public visé : Scientifiques et Ingénieurs


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